Health and Fitness


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Discount Supplement Wrhse  discsupwhrseunsquished.gif (2296 bytes)

    Committed to providing you with the best and latest training
equipment, nutrition and supplement information on the Web.

Fit @ Home                                          Fit@Home

    The world's largest fitness store.  Best selection of fitness videos
equipment and accessories.  Discounts to 20%.

GreenTree Nutrition                       greentree.gif (1093 bytes)

     The health and wellness superstore.  Your place for vitamins, fitness equipment, information and much more.

Lifeline Health                     lifeline.gif (1498 bytes)

    The online superstore that offers 200 superfood, nutritional
supplements, herbs, beauty aids and aromatherapy products.

Lotus Project        lotusproject.gif (2460 bytes)

    Dr. Burke's Alternative Healthy Stores, a series of cutting-edge
stores, offers over 700 (and growing each week) alternative health
products, medical magnets, massage products, health videos, books,
audio's, vitamins, herbs and supplements.

Magnet City             magnet-city-logo.gif (1998 bytes)

    The hottest craze in alternative therapy.  Therapy magnets have
become the hottest selling alternative method to relieve pain.

Practical Profiles                          practical programs.gif (1753 bytes)

    Online Diet Programs.  Free personal profiles.   Diet Tips.  Sign up for their diet programs online.

Joe Weider Musclestore  Joe Weider Muscle Store

    Your source for IFBB muscular videos for over 10 years.  Choose from over 100 titles.   Great insights and weightlifting tips.


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