Books and Magazines

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    The online bookstore with more than one million titles.  Offers
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leases and other items of interest.  Save up to 40%!  Amazon is
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Barnes and Noble                   Barnes and Noble

    The largest bookseller online.  Browse or search for hardcover
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    The first online book superstore.   Books, magazines and
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     A huge selection of books.  Shop from the comfort of home.

I-Subscribe                                       I-Subcribe

    Every kind of magazine you could possibly want.

Magazine Mall                                MagMall

    MagMall provides thousands of customers, businesses and
students around the world with a one stop wholesale source for
new, renewal and gift subscriptions.

1 Bookstreet                                        1bookstreet.gif (2187 bytes)

     The lowest book prices on the Web.  Save up to 90% everyday.

Wall Street Journal               Wall Street Journal

    The online version of the Wall Street Journal.  Subscriptions
available through this site.



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